Creative Brand tip #1: Release YOU

August, 2015

How many blogs have you recently poured over in search of great new tips and ways to make your brand “pop”? I know I have put out a few tips recently, and I too am bombarded with numerous articles, emails, notes, and offers to give my brand more oomph. You are told to “use this template”, follow this and that, use colors that activate certain parts of the brain, and of course…take that next class that will unlock the gates to the Emerald City of Brandland.

The core truth about “Brand” is that is actually your core truth. “YOU”, Period. Whether you sell and product, service, philosophy, process or a combo of all…it all begins with YOU. “You” are the corner office; you are in all the communications, ideas, actions that your company is based on. Even if you do not “own” your company, your personality (if a good fit is in place!) matches or mirrors the owner’s dreams, passions, needs (in other words, their brand core).

Have you really taken the time to find out what makes you “flow”, tick, generate, all that stuff around you? The most inspired companies that create motivation, memberships, and become the muse to a greater audience are all based on a key person’s unabashed, out there for all to see, personality. Look at Richard Branson, Yvon Chouin of Patagonia, Danny Thomas’ promise with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, even the humble personality of Mother Theresa; one of the highest forms of unconditional and inspirational “service” brands.  All these highly successful “brands” are driven by each person’s true core essence, their purpose or “YOU”.
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How do you begin your “purpose” search?
Tip #1 (and the only tip for this blog!): Release YOU.
How do you approach life, what is the core of your personality. It is quite unique you know (and yes…you DO know).  To get YOU released, you must be you all the time.

To do Tip#1: Start by getting out a notebook and begin writing down what makes up YOU. Now this can be difficult…you have to actually set some time aside to spend time with yourself and do a little reflection. Many folks actually try to delegate this, which gets them nowhere fast! AND, the #1 rule for finding you include doing this on a “how did or do I feel” basis…not with the mind of “what sounds right to others”, or corporate white paper verbiage.

A. There are rules and process out there for business and life…you are the one setting most of them. Write down what your “rules” are…what are your boundaries? If your “gut” doesn’t like one or two…how would you change it? (Hint, if a “rule” is sounding like a judgment…this is not the big “YOU” talking, most likely it is an inherited rule being held by your ego…time to have a talk with your ego and replace it with a more pleasurable rule!)

B. What moments in life really stand out for you…write them down, then look at “why” they are such strong memories. I will bet you will start to find repeating patterns.

C. USE YOUR WORDS. Your mom or dad most likely told you to do this when you were young “Use your words”. Yes, they were correct on many levels. When you use YOUR words and not the words of others in your business as well as your life…you are letting the world know exactly who you are and what you are dreaming. Write down some key phrases that express YOU and at the same time feel a bit uncomfortable saying in business (you could sound or look different, exciting, or unique…that would be a tragedy?).

This is where I have to smile a bit about all those “promises” for brand success out there by using various template formats. It’s a TEMPLATE, it is not custom. Why be in a rush to be like everyone else, using the same format, designs?

D. Take all your writings and focus on the repeating words, activities, and put your YOU out front in your elevator pitch, introductions, brand phrases. Let your brand mission, vision, positioning statements “talk” like you talk. Go ahead, put that emotional aspect into your talk…that is what is guiding your unique being and purpose…your heart becomes partner with your head. In brand terms this is where core emotional essence pairs with strategy.

E. Two is better than just one. Why not partner up with a business purpose coach for a bit. Go one on one to find out your one unique voice. This is priceless for your own accountability, progress, success in releasing YOU into the business world.

F. DRAW your “YOU” out. Go ahead, take a pencil or pen and start drawing stick figures, symbols for words, doodle your you. It works! Or you can hire a quick sketch session so you can see your present condition. Your brain does respond quicker and creates a more lasting memory via visual communication. This is a great way to show others your vision, your ideas, your path so they can join in and create with and for you! Give me a call; it’s fun to do Sketch Questing for discovery of all sorts.

My “YOU” is here to ignite your discoveries, to build heart bonfires by drawing out what fuels and celebrates your heart’s story.

The best brands all have the YOU released, shown, activated, and flowing. Change is easier to flow through when your core foundations are set and in action. Remember, your brand can’t be YOU if you’re talking and walking like someone else.

Thanks for your time and your shares!

I’m Paula Brown; Visual Scribe / Feng Shui practitioner / Author / Animal Communicator. I am a visual storyteller showing you how to IGNITE YOUR STORY, YOUR ENERGY, YOUR WELL-BEING for both business and home. My site is: Connect on:  LinkedIn, Twitter. and you can “like” my facebook page at: